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Sexual Reproductive Health

Sexual Reproductive Health

Good sexual and reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well- being in all matters relating to the reproductive system. The capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when, and how often to do so and the problems related to that.
Sapphire Africa Foundation has taken on the responsibility of educating and helping people to maintain their sexual and reproductive health by giving them accurate information on the preferred safe, reliable, manageable, and accepted methods of contraception, educating about sanitary health to teens and adolescents, educating about fighting violence in families and more of that which leads to a better Sexual Reproductive life.
Through the expertise of our professionals, Sapphire Africa Foundation aims to delve further and gain a comprehensive grasp of how various people live and conduct their sexual lives. One of the numerous issues that have received attention is;
The five Ps: partners, sexual behavior, prior STDs, history of pregnancies, plans, and STD prevention and these are the issues that affect our community deeply from the children dropping out of school for lack of sanitary pads, teenage pregnancies to violence that erupts in homes and spread of diseases like AIDS
Two of the major issues that our people have struggled with are Teenage Pregnancies and menstrual hygiene which has led to very many school drop outs. Also, women have face increased gender violence.
This has been blamed on many factors and it may be impacted by drugs and alcohol, which have a significant impact on domestic decision-making, Multiple partners, inadequate child spacing, family neglect, gender-based violence, early marriages, teenage pregnancies and poverty.
The Sapphire Africa Foundation recognized that many people lack access to sexual and reproductive health services, Sanitary material and skills which are necessary for people to be able to exercise their legal rights. The Sapphire Africa Foundation has been able to arrange medical camps and outreach programs that reach out to these people and ensure their access to these services thanks to its donors and other partners.
Sexual and reproductive health is important because it plays a crucial role in a person's overall health and wellness. The right to health, the right to be free from sexual assault, and the right to choose whether or not to get pregnant are all human rights that are rooted in the autonomy in sexual and reproductive decision-making.
People lose their ability to make decisions about their own bodies and futures if their needs and rights in the area of sexual and reproductive health are not satisfied, which can have an adverse effect on the welfare of their families and future generations.
Menstrual hygiene is another important subject that the Sapphire Africa Foundation is passionate about, menstruation is the process in which a woman releases blood and other substances from the lining of her uterus at intervals of around one lunar month from puberty until menopause, with the exception of during pregnancy, which typically begins between the ages of 8 and 10.
Teenage girls continue to struggle greatly with menstruation. Because of this, the number of adolescent pregnancies is on the rise, and many adolescents have stopped attending school as a result. Teenage girls are having a difficult time figuring out how to manage their periods. Some lack knowledge about menstruation, others lack the supplies they need, such as sanitary pads and towels, and occasionally they just need someone to talk to about their periods and how to handle them.
Many males take advantage of this to tempt women into having sex with them and then impregnate them in the pretense of purchasing them pads. Men are also telling these young girls which is untrue that if they have sex, they won't have period cramps. In northern Uganda we came to realized that there were enormous numbers of girls dropping out of school for the shame they go through when they don’t have sanitary pads.
Sapphire Foundation is helping these young people by encouraging them to speak up for their rights and improving menstrual hygiene by giving free sanitary pads to school children. Our plan Sapphire Africa Foundation organizes a number of workshops where young girls have learned how to make reusable pads. This has greatly assisted in keeping girls in school who were having trouble getting pads. These young ladies have also been able to mentor their peers, which will lead to the production of more pads and the permanent solution to this problem.
Since most of them don't even know what a sanitary pad is, our sapphire women team has made an extra effort to raise awareness among some of our young people. The residents of Nakaseke are grateful to Sapphire Africa Foundation and all of its partners for their ongoing assistance with them, their families, and the entire community. They recognize the value of this initiative and how it will help many kids realize their full potential and get ready for a bright future.

Sapphire Africa Foundation commits to continuing its help and once more requests that all of
its supporters and well-wishers give whatever they are able to so that we can assist additional
community members.